New deliverables focus on the 10 project countries
Deliverable 3.2
Patterns in Platform Video Production in ten Countries
Dessislava Boshnakova, Evelina Christova, Stoyko Petkov and Justine Toms from the NBU team, with the contributions by the other project partners with regard to the national reports, have produced this deliverable, which offers data and analysis of the video content production on platforms in the ten EUMEPLAT countries.
Over a 4-month period of observation – between end of 2021 and beginning of 2022 – each partner analyzed the specific offer delivered by for pay platforms in its own country, and the most visible channels on Video Sharing Platforms (VSP).
A main aspect to consider is the provenience of the videos either national, European 0and US. Data coming from both video platforms (Google/YouTube Analytics, Amazon) and research agencies (We Are Social, Statista, Hypeauditor and the Eurostat database) was considered.
In all ten countries represented in the EUMEPLAT project, the role of main video platforms on both sides of production and consumption was analyzed. The role of niche platforms such as local ones and those participating to the EUROVOD network has been considered as well, as well as the new upcoming platforms, and namely Disney.
As to production, the analysis focused on the video offer in the main platforms: the most popular channels in YouTube and the libraries of movies, documentaries and TV series in for pay platforms.
An analysis was conducted on the film contents in YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, HBO, iTunes, Amazon and Google.
Download the full deliverable here.
Deliverable 3.3
Patterns in Platform Video Consumption in ten Countries
Authored by Dessislava Boshnakova and Stoyko Petkov from the NBU team, the deliverable collects and assembles the national reports produced by the project partners with regard to the consumption trends in the 10 project countries.
Disaggregated data are provided, so as to understand the proportions among national, global, and European taste. The aim is to identify national, global/American and European patterns in production and consumption.
Data about the contents and audiences of YouTube, Instagram and TikTok – over a period of one month – were collected and analyzed by means of both direct indicators (visualizations, like, downloads, statistics on most viewed videos) and indirect indicators, with the final goal of understanding in which way platformization is impacting people’s taste, and making it more national, more European, or more American.
Download the full deliverable here.
Deliverable 4.2
Representation of Immigration in Ten Countries
The report, authored by UOC and IULM researchers, focuses on the media representation of migration, and notably on how platformization affects the process of Europeanisation and how Europe is represented through migration.
Social media discussions occuring from September to November 2021 in the 10 countries of the project have been analysed, a theoretical framework of social media representations was developed and quantitative techniques were adopted to answer to the 6 research questions:
- (RQ1) Are there similar debates about migration across Europe – can we find hints of a ‘European public sphere’ – or is coverage dominated by the non-European perspective?
- (RQ2) Are there similar debates about migration across Europe when the perspective is European compared to when it is not?
- (RQ3) Are there similar debates about migration when the content is published by media compared to when it is not?
- (RQ4) Are sentiments towards migration similar across Europe?
- (RQ5) Are sentiments different depending on whether debates are European or non-European?
- (RQ6) Are sentiments related to migration different depending on whether the content is published by media or not?
These questions have been analysed for all countries jointly in a between country analysis. Additionally, a national report was written for each of the 10 European countries by consortium partners from the countries to give an in-depth analysis as well as national perspectives and context to the topic of migration and the observed national results.
Download the full deliverable here.
Deliverable 4.3
Representation of Gender in Ten Countries
Developed by the UOC and UGent research team, the report explores at what degree platformization has been changing the representation of gender in Europe. The specific focus is on how platformization affects the process of Europeanisation and how Europe is represented through gender.
Relevant social media content dating back to between September and November 2021 in the 10 project countries has been analysed and a theoretical framework comprising several dimensions encountered in relation to how Europe is represented through gender was developed.
The 6 research questions elaborated by the team were about the social media representations and the sentiments in relation to gender:
- (RQ1) Are there similar debates about gender across Europe – can we find hints of a ‘European public sphere’ – or is coverage dominated by the non-European perspective?
- (RQ2) Are there similar debates about gender across Europe when the perspective is European compared to when it is not?
- (RQ3) Are there similar debates about gender when the content is published by media compared to when it is not?
- (RQ4) Are sentiments towards gender similar across Europe?
- (RQ5) Are sentiments different depending on whether debates are European or non-European?
- (RQ6) Are sentiments related to gender different depending on whether the content is published by media or not?
The full report includes also the national reports developed by the consortium partners.
Download the full deliverable here.