Work Package 3 “Hegemony: Platformization of Video” – first deliverable out!
EUMEPLAT researchers involved in the Work Package 3 “Hegemony: Platformization of Video” have issued their first deilverable, under the coordination of the National Bulgarian University team and with the contribution of the IULM and Charles University.
The document provides the methodological framework to study and analyse the video platformization in Europe, and notably in the 10 countries included in the EUMEPLAT project.
The first part of the deliverable presents the main goals of the tasks, the arguments for selected platforms and criteria for analyzing patterns in production and consumption of video content. The second is devoted to the principles and rules for the implementation of the framework, in order to respond to the research questions.
The Deliverable 3.1 Methodological Framework. A Framework and Methodological Protocol for analyzing the video platformization is available here.