WP4 Meeting
UOC – Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona
25th October 2021
As decided by the Steering Committee, the Open University of Catalunya – WP leader for Work-Package 4 – hosted a preliminary meeting in Barcelona, which has been necessary by the previous discussion on the methodological framework to be applied. Due to Covid-19 consequences, the meeting followed a blended formula.
Nico Carpentier, from Charles University in Prague, presented the first version of the Europeanization semantic map, with the aim of providing a bridge between the WP4 empirical research and the overall reflection of European identity and culture.
In the second session the UOC team – Laura López-Forés and Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva – presented the methodological plan for the collection of data, the definition of the indicators, and quantitative and qualitative analysis.