UNIMED – Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo, Italy
UNIMED, founded in October 1991, is an association of Universities from Mediterranean basin countries. It counts 141 associated Universities coming from 23 countries of both shores of Mediterranean (August 2021).
UNIMED’s aim is to develop university research and education in the Euro-Mediterranean area in order to contribute to scientific, cultural, social and economic cooperation.
The Universities in UNIMED’s network operate in many different fields, and thus UNIMED operates on many different fronts. The image that best represents our association is that of a University without Walls.
UNIMED carries out different activities in favour of the associated Universities, such as promoting the international dimension of universities; encouraging the participation of its members in international projects; planning and fundraising activities; promoting mobility in the Euro-Mediterranean region, for students, researchers and academic staff; creating thematic SubNetworks to foster scientific cooperation within specific fields; organising meetings, discussions, seminars and roundtables both at a national and international level; training academic and administrative staff of universities, particularly for the personnel of International Relations Offices.
Through the many initiatives carried out over two decades, UNIMED has promoted collaboration between the universities of the Mediterranean, becoming a point of reference of international university cooperation.